Hospital Beds and their types – Goswami Hospitech

Hospital beds

Hospital beds are specialized beds designed for use in healthcare facilities, including hospitals, clinics, and long-term care facilities. They typically have features such as adjustable height, headrests, footrests, side rails, and brakes.

There are different types of hospital beds available, including standard hospital beds, electric hospitalbeds, and bariatric hospital beds for obese patients. Hospital beds are important in providing a safe and comfortable environment for patients who need medical care, as well as facilitating the work of healthcare professionals.

Hospital beds are important for several reasons:


·        Patient Comfort: Hospital beds are designed to provide comfort and support to patients who may be bedridden or require prolonged bed rest.

·         Medical Care: Hospital beds are equipped with features that enable healthcare professionals to monitor and treat patients effectively. For example, hospital beds may have adjustable height, side rails, and electronic controls for patient positioning.

·         Infection Control: Hospital beds are designed to prevent the spread of infection by minimizing contact with contaminated surfaces. They are also easy to clean and disinfect.

·         Safety: Hospital beds are designed with safety features such as side rails and brakes to prevent falls and injuries.

·      Capacity: Hospitals need a sufficient number of beds to accommodate patients, especially during periods of high demand such as during a pandemic.

Overall, hospital beds play a crucial role in providing quality medical care and ensuring patient safety and comfort.

There are several types of hospital beds, including:


·         Standard Hospital Bed: Typically used for general patient care, this bed has an adjustable height and can be raised or lowered to make it easier for patients to get in and out of bed.

·         Low Bed: These beds are lower to the ground than standard hospital beds and are often used for patients who are at risk of falling.

·         Bariatric Bed: These beds are designed to support the weight of larger patients and have a wider frame and stronger construction.

·         ICU Bed: Intensive care unit (ICU)beds are designed for critically ill patients who require close monitoring and specialized medical equipment.

·         Pediatric Bed: These beds are designed specifically for children and often have safety features to prevent falls.

·         Birthing Bed: These beds are designed for use during childbirth and are often adjustable to allow the mother to find a comfortable position.

·         Clinitron Bed: These beds are filled with sand-like particles and are used for patients with pressure ulcers or other skin conditions that require specialized support.

The specific type of bed used will depend on the needs of the patient and the type of care being provided.

Hospital Bed supplier in India

Goswami Hospitech is a medical device manufacturing company based in India. They specialize in the production of orthopaedic implants, instruments, and hospital furniture.

Some of their products include Hospital Cots, Hospital Beds, Hospital Trolleys, Bedside screens, Hospital Bed lockers, Patient Wheelchairs, IV Drip stands, Hospital Bed Mattresses, and Examination tables. The company is known for its commitment to quality and affordability, and its products are used by healthcare professionals around India.

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